The highest peak of Angkor Wat
Angkor Wat is located in Siem Reap, Cambodia which is 6 hours (by land) and 30 minutes (by air) away from Phnom Penh. I had been there for twice. You can never find this kind of unique scenery in other country. Tomb Raider is also using the Angkor Wat scene in the movie.
The entrance fee costs at USD25 per person per day. 3 Days pass costs at USD45 per person. It takes about one full day to visit the whole area. There are few temples (Wat) in Angkor Wat which consists of Bayon temple (With Buddhist face in the structure), Ta Promph Temple and Angkor Wat.
The unique of Ta Promph temple is trees grew on top of the temple. And Angkor Wat is the most famous and largest one among all. However, I would prefer Bayon Temple compare to Angkor Wat. You can see different faces of Buddha from different angle.
During leisure time, you can go for massage in Siem Reap or Phnom Penh. The charges is between USD5-20 per hour depends on the interior of the shop. I went for a 4 hours spa package recently in O Spa, Phnom Penh to pamper myself. The price is only at USD80 which includes of facial, Aromatheraphy massage, full body scrub, full body mask, Jacuzzi, Floral bath and snacks and tea.
Feel free to message me if anyone of you are interested to visit this place!
Ta Promph Temple
Angkor Wat
Main Entrance of the whole area
These are the GOD
Bayon Temple
Bayon Buddha Statue
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